Social Media Strategies

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Which Social Media Service Is Best To Use For Your Online Business?

That’s a great question to ask yourself if you are someone that runs a online business. But then again it would best to ask a professional web agency. From our past experience in working with different clients, we have continually been ask this same question , which social media service should I be using to market myself more?

The answer to that depends.  For example, let’s say that your business has been online for at least 1 – 3  years. Because of the fact that you have already been established online and your presence on google has been continually been searched for on google’s search engine. It is more beneficial for you to use instagram if you are a small business vs using facebook.

Using instagram will have its advantages because it is a more easier platform to use and you can target your audience in a strategic way by the use of photos or images or short videos of the service or products that you want to showcase to your online audience. In doing so you will engage your desired audience and capture their attention and will most likely grab a click to your website. Here’s a visual image of what can be achieved.

As you can see with instagram you can add your website link where your audience can click on it right away.

So  the pros of using this are:

  • If you are a small business starting out : Using instagram is an easier approach and more compatible as a tool to showcase your services or products.  An easier learning curve verses facebook
  • You can upload photos right away if you have the app installed on your phone
  • You can also use videos and upload them via your mobile phone as well.

These are some of the advantages that you get when you use instagram as your tool. We suggest you use facebook if you plan to have someone that will specialize in that and if you have been an established business for a while, at least 2 – 3 solid years. Remember also that, if you plan to use facebook you will need to establish a facebook page not a facebook account. These are totally two different things.

For more information and if you feel that you need help in establishing a facebook page please feel free to shoot us an email at: / attention: Louie

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